Saturday, May 1, 2021

Blog Post #11

 EOTO Project Pt. 2


Disinformation is defined as information that is used to be misleading of falsified to confuse a group of people, the main example of this would be Propaganda. It is used to change the views of a group of people, this is on purpose compared to misinformation which is false information on accident. 

The biggest use of disinformation in today's world would be fake news. I feel like wherever you go online someone is talking about fake news or they are spreading it. With so much information about different movements today and covid news people don't look up information and just believe what other people post. This has affected America a lot because no one truly knows what their talking about and everyone just thinks their right without doing enough research to truly know. 
There is a lot of disinformation in the news today, news outlets never tell the full stories on things that might not make a certain group look bad. A recent example of this was Fox News not putting out the story of Hunter Biden just because it would make President Biden look bad, they don't post real news on news that help their ideologies. All of this disinformation has lead to the people not trusting the news and not trusting the government too.

Fox News

On the topic of disinformation of the government, like with Daneil Ellsburg who exposed the Pentagon Papers which were lies about the US government involvement in the Vietnam war and how they were actually more involved then they were telling the people. 

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