Monday, April 19, 2021

Blog Post #7

 Anti-War Voices 

I feel like I am a well-cultured person and know a little bit about a lot of things but I have never heard about the anti-war campaign, the last time I heard about this was back during the Vietnam war. This has me wondering why you never hear about this and if people are trying to make it so you don't. 

The main reason I believe that we have not heard a lot about anti-war lately is because of all the other movements that are taking place in America, mainly BLM and stop Asain hate. These big movements have taken over America because people stopped worrying about people from other countries and started trying to fix their own country. 

Another reason why this is not talked about because the movement died back in 2001. I say this because this was when America was brought together from what happened during 9/11. America was okay with war then because the people wanted justice for what happened and since there have not been and major wars since there is nothing to fight against. 

I believe that anti-war could have a comeback if they change the way they promote it. if they could make their movement theme to anti-violence then they could talk about current problems to their advantage. They should start to fight against police brutality and for gun control. These are smaller fights and could be used to fight against the bigger anti-war problem. 

The last reason why the anti-war campaign is not a mainstream movement is that people seem to be anti-American if you're anti-war. It makes people look like they are against veterans and do not have a love for people who gave their lives for us. 

Why Anti-war is not known

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