Thursday, April 22, 2021

Blog Post #8

 Carrier Pigeons 

The thought of people using pigeons to send letters and information around really intrigued me, so I decided that I was going to write about it. The pigeons were first used in Greece back in 1450, but there were most known for being used during the world wars. 

It was stated that the carrier pigeons were most reliable and effective than telegraphs and telephones at the time, it was the best form of communication to people at the front lines. The pigeons worked so well that after WWII 32 different pigeons won Dickens Medal for their use in the battle. 

The thing that fascinated me about the pigeons is how well humans can domesticate animals and how they help in different ways. The pigeons were so effective in getting to their delivery location because of the special neurons that they have in their brains. These special neurons were able to find other pigeons in their area. 

It is crazy to think that these birds that everyone just thinks are pests helped our ancestors fight in the biggest battles to this date. they are now seen as garbage-eating pests that just annoy people but they really help make our nation the way it is today, without these legendary birds we might now be living in this amazing country right now. It parallels how we treated a lot of the veterans that came back from the war, that being that we tossed them aside and did not praise them like we should have. 

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