Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Blog Post #2

 The Supreme Court

Something I never knew about the supreme court was that Sandra Day O'Conner was the first female to serve on the Supreme Court, this was fascinating to me because she leads many more famous females to be a part of the Supreme Court, most famously Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was sworn into the supreme court back in 1981. 

History about Supreme Court

A takeaway I learned while watching the video on the Supreme Court is that they are kinda like the goalkeepers of the justice system. What I mean by that is that they are the last court and dictate the final answer of a case, kinda like how goalkeepers are the last line of defense for soccer teams. 

A thing that surprised me is how powerful the supreme court really is, this controls what a law means and how it will work for the generation to come. An example of this would be the Dred Scott case. The outcome was the slaves were property and property were not legal citizens. Since they were citizens they were not allowed to sue.

Another thing I did not know about the supreme court was how difficult their jobs are and how much time they put into their job. The judges look at 7,000 cases a year and pick 100-150 cases per year. The cases involve different petitions from people who think their court cases were dictated wrong and want to appeal to a higher court. These judges put in hours of work weekly to look over cases and have full offices of staff to help them work out cases and to find what laws are correct for the case.

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