Thursday, April 1, 2021

Blog Post #4

 First Amendment Vs Face Masks 

In the last year or so Covid-19 has been the only thing anyone has been talking about, from debates on what the government could do to fix this or what will people do while being stuck in their houses. The topic I want to cover is the mask policy. 

The mask policy has become a fight between Republicans who think the virus is made up vs the democrats who want everyone to stay say. As someone who is mainly republican, I agree with the fact that we should have to wear face masks when doing into stores or going into crowded areas. There have been studies for and against face masks but there have never been findings saying that it hurts humans. So why not wear it, it can only help you and the people you love stay face and healthy from one of the worst viruses the US and world have ever seen. 

The debate of having to wear a mask was a big problem when the virus first started and people would get in physical fights in stores just to get people to wear their masks. One of the arguments that the anti masks have is that it is against their first amendment and that they don't have to ear the mask. After doing some research on this I found on a Columbian Law website that this is not against the first amendment and that is not a right of speech. Here is a good quote from said website, "That takes us to the First Amendment — the amendment anti-maskers routinely invoke while ignoring the Tenth Amendment. The First Amendment protects freedom of speech, press, petition, assembly, and religion. But a mask doesn’t keep you from expressing yourself. Likewise, it doesn’t require you to express yourself a certain way, as would be the case if a particular style mask were required." (Karon)

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