Sunday, April 18, 2021

Blog Post #5

 Age of AI

With technology always expanding and upgrading the conversation has become if it is a good thing or not. Technology has become a part of everyone's life and it's impossible to live without it, even the Amish people who are notorious for not using technology use some of it in their lives. Technology is used to make food, transportation, and has become one of our main ways of interacting with other human beings.

There are a lot of pros and cons to the use of technology getting greater. technology being used so much in our daily lives there are some threats to our lives, an example of this is an old TV where to host had one of his guests with an electric car come and spend a few hours. The kick of it was while the guest was there the host was able to take control of the guest's car in old five minutes. The host then messed with the guest while there were driving by changing the radio station or using the brakes. This scares me because electric cars are becoming more common and hackers can hack people's cars from a remote location. 

Another problem I see with the AI getting better is people losing their jobs, during the video is talked about how AI can start learning things and we won't be needing them to do jobs. This especially scares me because there is already a job problem in modern America, and with the AI advancing there will be even more people losing their jobs.

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Final Blog Post

 Technology Good or Bad? In modern society, technology has become a part of everyone's life, no matter where you go or what you do you a...